Clearly I have one thing on my mind this Memorial Day weekend- s’mores! The other day, I made Frozen Cupcake S’mores and today I am making Raspberry Truffle S’mores. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with just a regular s’more, with a chocolate square and toasted marshmallow stuck between two graham cracker squares. I just can’t stop thinking of different s’more variations, hence my Raspberry Truffle S’more creation.
How can you go wrong with the perfect pairing of chocolate and raspberries? I made this Martha Stewart Everyday Food Chocolate-Raspberry Tart a couple of summers ago and I loved the flavor combination. Here’s an easier way to get to that same raspberry-chocolate goodness:
- 8 graham cracker squares
- 4 marshmallows
- 4 chocolate truffles, cut in half (I find these at Whole Foods near the gourmet cheese section)
- 12 raspberries, gently washed
- Set out graham cracker squares. Place the halved chocolate truffles over 4 of the squares. Over a campfire (or an oven range), toast a marshmallow using a stick or kebob skewer. Once toasted to your desired level, remove marshmallow from stick/skewer and place on top of one of the graham cracker square with the chocolate truffles. Place 3 raspberries on top. Top off with a graham cracker square. Repeat with the rest of the marshmallows. Enjoy immediately.
What are your Memorial Day plans for the day?