We had some friends in town today and my husband ended up taking them to the Playwright in Southie for drinks and dinner. I took baby T there for awhile to visit, but eventually had to take him home for his bedtime. Husband M walked me halfway home and as I kept walking, I shouted back to him:
Me: I think I forgot Sophie there! (Sophie being the French toy giraffe pictured above)
Husband M: Don’t worry- I’ll find her if she’s there.
Meanwhile, a guy was walking between us and likely overheard our conversation. I’m laughing out loud thinking about who he could have thought Sophie was…our crazy toddler we forgot at the bar, my invisible friend, our dog we take out wherever we go, etc. Or maybe he just knew who Sophie was since every baby we know seems to have one. Rest assured, I found Sophie safely chilling in the diaper bag upon our arrival home.