With bridal shower season around the corner, I have started to think about different ways in which I have presented gifts at showers. Since the actual gift itself is usually not a surprise to the recipient, I try to give gifts with a creative spin. By presenting your gift in a fun manner, you can create a conversation piece and make the shower a bit more fun (admit it…it gets boring fast to watch someone open gift after gift for hours upon end). Here are five gift/packaging tips:
1. In most cases, stick to the registry. Unless you have a really great idea for a particular bride, people create registries for a reason. If you end up going off the registry, you are often creating more work for someone as they may not need that particular item. People often think that giving off the registry is too impersonal, but you can make it more creative and personal by packaging it in a nice way. You can also supplement gifts from the registry with some small non-registry gifts (more below).
2. When you are wrapping a gift, you don’t need to necessarily use wrapping paper or the common white wedding gift bag. If you are buying off the registry, the gift likely won’t be a surprise so you don’t need to necessarily conceal it under layers of wrapping. For one shower, I bought a few sets of plates off the registry and tied them together with a piece of thick, white satin ribbon. I had just been to another wedding the previous weekend and had won the floral centerpiece for my table, so I took a few of the roses from the flowers, cut the stems down to size, and tucked them into the ribbon. If you have a large garden, you could also use some floral clippings from your own yard. If you were giving a cooking-related gift, a fresh herb cutting like rosemary would also add a nice touch tucked into the gift packaging.
3. When searching through the registry, try to find a good “basket” and smaller items to fill it with. The basket does not necessarily need to a be a basket per say, just some type of container that could hold other related gifts. For example, for one shower, I bought a colander and filled it with smaller cooking related items. I bought items on the registry like a pasta serving spoon, spatula, and garlic press, as well as a few non-registry items such as a gourmet olive oil, pasta sauce, and pasta. I have also seen a gift combos such as a flatware tray filled with flatware and serving spoons from the registry (tied up with tulle) and a basket filled with rolled-up towels.
4. Scope out a registry early before all the good gifts/gift combinations are taken!
5. Try to stick to a theme. If you are buying wine glasses, add a bottle of wine or wine opener. If you are buying a cooking pan, pair it with a pair of oven mitts. Try to avoid going through the list and picking a random selection of items to get to your price point (a salt shaker, vacuum replacement bags, a bowl, and a pillowcase would make for an awkward gift!)
What are some gifts you have given at showers that you feel presented well?