So, I have been missing in action for some time now. I am sorry to flake out on you all like that, but I do have a good explanation of where I have been. First and foremost, I have been looking for a new job and have successfully found one. I worked my last two weeks at my old company and just started my new job yesterday. It has only been two days but it has been really good so far. I actually won a $500 vacuum today in a raffle! I am going to vacuum my apartment after this blog…Yes, I am actually really excited about this.
I went to my boyfriend’s concert that I had mentioned in my last post The band was really great and the venue was a lot of fun! Also I went home over the weekend and brought my boyfriend M (yes, we have a “M” overload in this blog) with me to meet my parents. It was a big step for us, but it went really well and we had a lot of fun.
That is not all- my roommate and I have been looking for apartments (well sort of). I found a great little historic brownstone on craigslist and we went to look at it. It was really cute, has a great landlord, an outside space (a city living find), a dishwasher, and cheaper rent! It is also closer to transportation and we have our own private entrance. Needless to say we are moving in next month!
It has been a busy couple weeks to say the least. My life has just about done a complete 180 since New Years and I couldn’t be happier! Stayed tuned for life and cooking updates (don’t worry- I have been cooking without you!)