I wanted to follow-up on my Ikea Kitchen Tour post and show you how I used the Ikea Expedit bookshelves in our playroom. I originally wanted to build some type of built-in bookshelves in our playroom, but after finding a few ideas on Pinterest and other blogs, I realized the Ikea Expedit bookshelves would do the trick (and would be much more budget-friendly!)
I did a little measuring in the playroom and determined that three of the 2 shelves by 4 shelves Expedit bookshelf would be perfect for the space. I wanted to include some baskets in the space because so many of my son’s toys come with so many parts (train sets, blocks, Duplos, etc.) I loved how the PJÄS baskets fit perfectly in the Expedit shelves. I originally bought 4 of the baskets, but I bought 8 more when I went back last week because I liked how they looked so much.
Without any further ado, here’s our Ikea Expedit playroom reveal:
Also, here’s a close-up of the Kritter table and chair that we bought at Ikea a few months ago:
Have you used the Ikea Expedit bookshelves in your home?