So I started this post in early June and had hoped to finish it before Baby’s N’s arrival. Fast forward three and a half months later and I am just getting to it! I was still finalizing some of the details when Baby N decided to come a week early. It took me up until this point to finally pull together the remaining elements of his gray and green-themed nursery.
While with T, I had a very specific theme in mind for his airplane-themed nursery. However, for N, I really only had a color palette in mind…dark gray and green. I spent a lot of time perusing the web to come up with this Pinterest board with this color scheme in mind.
We ended up using furniture that we already owned to make up most of the nursery. Since T is (hopefully) nearing the end of his diaper stage, we moved the diaper changing bureau to the nursery. We also got T a “big-boy” bed and moved his crib to N’s room. We also had a mahogany dresser from our old master bedroom that we were no longer using. Our one furniture splurge was the new white glider from Land of Nod.
This room was previously our guest room and was painted a light green. I wanted something a bit more dramatic for the nursery and I fell in love with a color called Kendall Charcoal (Benjamin Moore HC 166.) I was a bit worried that it would be a little too dark, especially for a nursery, but I love the way the walls turned out. It contrasts so nicely with the white and green.
My favorite addition to the room is the beautiful gray and green quilt that K made for Baby N. It’s stunning and perfectly matches the room even though she had never seen it in person until her recent visit. I love all the fabric she used, especially the cute little elephant. It truly makes the room feel complete. K took pictures of her progress on the quilt as she was making it and will be writing up a post soon with her tutorial. I am so impressed with how it turned out and it puts a smile on my face every time I enter the room!
My second favorite part of the room are the white and silver dot decals (also from the Land of Nod.) I can attest that they are very easy to remove and reuse…I ended up changing it up three times before I was fully satisfied with the results (a big shout-out to sister M, K, and my husband who helped me adjust them and made sure they were random enough!)
I also spent some time on Etsy looking for wall art for the nursery. I still want to buy one with Baby N’s birth info (weight, date, etc.), but I love the ones I have hanging up so far. My favorite one is the letterpress print above the bed that says “You are getting very sleepy.” It’s a family joke that my father always used to tell me that I looked sleepy when I was a baby and would just put me down and I would fall asleep. Wishful thinking that my kids would be like that…Baby N is a pretty terrible sleeper thus far. Hopefully that will change in the near future!
Gray and Green-Themed Nursery Source List:
Crib and Changing Bureau- Romina Charisma
Dresser- Pottery Barn
Glider- Land of Nod
Side Table- Target
Book Caddy- Land of Nod
Knit Pouf- Land of Nod
Crib Sheets & Skirt- Pottery Barn
Roman Shades- Pottery Barn
Green Lamp- Target
Dot Decals- Land of Nod
You are getting very sleepy” print- Etsy
“ABC/I Love You” print- Etsy
“Climb Trees” print- Etsy
Paint Color- Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal (HC 166)