Sorry everyone for not posting in so long, My heat is finally fixed and it is now full blast in my apartment for a hot and uncomfortable 97.8 degrees (not really but that’s what it feels like to me). What have I been making lately? Lean cuisines and leftovers because that is about as long as I can stay in my kitchen without passing out from the heat. Yesterday my roommate and I decided to make some Sweet Potato French Fries despite the heat. They were as always… delicious. I don’t really follow a recipe for these but I let you in on how the awesomeness is made.
Sweet Potato French Fries
3-5 sweet potatoes
Olive Oil cooking spray
Ketchup (optional)
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Wash the sweet potatoes and cut the ends off. Then cut the sweet potatoes into wedges (we keep the skin on). You can make them as thick as you want; we made ours closer to steak fries thick. Place the cut up potatoes on a baking sheet and spray liberally with olive oil spray. You want to make sure both sides are coated, and then sprinkle with salt and pepper to your liking. Cook them for about 20-30 minutes until done, turned them over with a spatula occasionally. Serve with ketchup or whatever you want to put on your fries.