Last weekend my boyfriend and I met up with some friends at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. It was a beautiful sunny day, as it usually is around here, and the perfect day to go to a festival. The Gilroy Garlic Festival is an annual festival that celebrates garlic and raises money for local fundraisers. The city of Gilroy is known as the “Garlic Capital of the World,” although it’s not the world largest producer of garlic. However, I am pretty sure all the garlic that is available in grocery store around here is from Gilroy.
What does a garlic festival consist of? Well enough garlicky food to make you smell like garlic for the remainder of the night and most likely smell like garlic at work the next day! Gilroy is only a 45 minute drive south from where we live so I have been wanting to go to this festival since we moved here last October. It was a fun experience and I am so glad we were able to go.
Fog rolling over the hills on the drive south to Gilroy.
I love the Gilroy City sign with the garlic in the “G”
A huge flaming garlic bulb meets you as you enter the festival.
One of the food rows, the garlic bread was tasty! Three dollars for a bag with 3-4 pieces…sorry no picture of the bread because we ate it so quickly.
More food… love, love, love some garlic fries.
What’s better than garlic fries? Beer Battered Garlic Fries. ummm yumm
An icey mimosa from the wine tent to cool down
Speaking of wine tents, they had garlic wine from a local vineyard that I sampled. They had a red and a white wine. It smelled like garlic and then tasted like wine with a garlic after taste. It was very interesting to try, but I don’t think I could sit down with a whole bottle.
Garlic Ice Cream is one of the attractions to the Garlic Festival. One of the stands give small cones for free, but this stand had different flavors so we decided to try the Garlic Pistachio.
I am not sure if garlic pistachio ice cream is an award-winning combo, but it certainly was interesting!
I am not sure what this guys name is but lets call him Garlic Man. Until next year, Garlic Man!
This is the street that part of the festival was on. I sent a picture to M because I thought the name sounded a little familiar.
Much better!