On New Year’s Day, my boyfriend I decided to start our new resolution of exploring California more. We decided to drive to Carmel which was only about 60 miles from us. It was a beautiful 60 degree day with clear skies and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to see some beautiful views. {Side note: I was not prepared for such amazing views. I just thought we would drive to a beach and take a few pictures. Oh no, it was so much more. There was 17 miles of beautiful views and 21 points of interest. Good thing we had to whole day to spend there! I was so surprised that every stop we made, the views were more beautiful than the last. You can see the progression below!}
At the entrance of the park, you have to pay $9.75 per car to get in and are given a map with all of the 21 points of interest I had mentioned. You can follow the dotted red line on the road to follow along the 17-mile drive.
Point 1– Shepard’s Knoll- This is one of the highest views and you can have your first view of Monterey Bay and the Santa Cruz Mountain. (Still unaware of what is to come)
Point 2- Huckleberry Hills- Another High point with a clearer view of the water (Still oblivious.)
Point 5– BAM! Hello Pacific Ocean… How you doing?
Still at point 5- amazing. Now that I am looking at this picture it looks almost fake it’s so beautiful.
Point 6– Oh baby. I asked my boyfriend to kiss me on this bench… he just looked at me like I was weird.
Point 7– I can’t stop saying- OH MY GOD the water is so blue!
Point 8– China Rock and a random seagull
I call this one “Lonely Boy on the Rock.” Don’t worry, I am not just taking pictures of random men- that is my boyfriend!
Point 10– Bird Rock- There are birds and seals sunbathing on that huge rock out in the water. Can anyone see the two birds that look like they are in a deep conversation is this picture?
Point 14– Cypress Point Lookout- So beautiful!! Oooo Mountains and Ocean…sighhh.
Point 16– The Lone Cypress- Pebble Beach’s Icon…Look familiar?
The sun reflecting off the ocean. I love this picture because I swear it looks like I can see the curve of the Earth.
This picture is actually from my iPhone- that’s why it’s not as clear as the others. We had lunch at the The Bench at the Lodge at Pebble Beach. This was our view from out table… amazing!
As you see, we had an awesome time with some unforgettable views. There was so many pictures that I needed to weed though to come up with these I have shown you, as well as many points of interest that I didn’t show. If you ever have the chance you need to go to 17-Mile Drive in Carmel! You won’t be disappointed!