I forgot to share with you guys my oops shopping mistake this week. Last night when I was making the Seoul-ful Chicken I realized that I bought boned skinless chicken thighs, when I really needed boneless skinless. I have only even bought boneless skinless breast and whole chickens. (*On a funny note, I have been trying to get over my fear of cooking whole chickens. The first time I tried to cook one, I was so freaked out by the organs inside (which were not in a bag like some are). I was screaming on top of my lungs the whole time, shaking the chicken upside-down over the sink, screaming louder each time an organ fell out. My roommate ran into the kitchen thinking that I was getting murdered (I have a really high pitch scream) when really I was just shaking a chicken over the sink. Let’s just say I have gotten a lot better with that. I cooked a beer can chicken on vacation a month ago with minimal screaming and cringing.) Okay back to the main story, I haven’t even bought chicken thighs before so I had no idea how to debone them. I looked it up online and it actually pretty easy. Buying boned chicken is a lot cheaper too so this can be a way to save money. Here is the website I used:
Good luck, and watch out for your fingers!