I have seen this recipe for Chocolate Toffee Crackers so many times on Pinterest and I have been wanting to make it for such a long time. It goes by a lot of different names- Christmas Crack, Chocolate Saltine Toffee, Sweet & Saltines, Saltine Toffee Candy, etc. I knew I could not refer to this recipe as Christmas Crack as my son picks up on everything we say lately. I really do not want a note from his nursery school asking why T made “crack” with his mother over the weekend.
{Side story: we made a joke about having raccoon and coyote steak this past summer while we were having a regular (cow) steak dinner. T still requests raccoon and coyote steak to this day…it makes me snicker out loud when I think about him telling his teachers that his favorite meal consists of raccoon and coyote meat.}
Anywhoo…it’s a super easy recipe to make. I once again attempted a cookie recipe while T & N were both awake. I even made this one during the “witching hour”…basically anytime between 4:30-7:30pm in our house. I let T add the nonpareil sprinkles to the top of the chocolate toffee crackers as they were cooling. He was grabbing them by the fistful and throwing them on top. We had a fun time making this recipe, but I tell you, my kitchen may never be the same after I brought out those nonpareil sprinkles. I’m trying very hard this holiday season to let go of my need for everything to be clean all the time and to just have fun making memories with the kids!
- cooking spray
- 40 saltine crackers
- 1 cup unsalted butter
- 1 cup light brown sugar
- ½ teaspoon vanilla
- 2 cups chocolate chips
- nonpareil sprinkles or any other type of decorative candy (optional)
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a jelly roll pan with foil and spray it with cooking spray. Lay down a single layer of 40 saltines on the foil surface.
- Meanwhile, melt together the butter and brown sugar in a medium-sized sauce pan. Allow it to reach a boil, then lower the temperature and allow it to simmer for about 5 minutes. Stir the butter & sugar mixture occasionally and remove from the heat once it has thickened.
- Stir in the vanilla to the saucepan and pour the mixture over the crackers on the jelly pan. Use a spatula to spread the mixture over any crackers that are dry. Put in the oven and bake for 3-4 minutes, or until it gets bubbly. Remove pan from oven.
- Sprinkle chocolate chips over crackers evenly. Allow the chocolate chips to melt for a few minutes and use a spatula to smooth it out over the crackers. Then, sprinkle on nonpareil sprinkles or any other decorative candy (this step is optional). Place the pan in the fridge for 30-45 minutes or until chocolate is hard. Break up into pieces and serve. Store at room temperature in an airtight container.
Source: Adapted from Trisha Yearwood and Averie Cooks