My heat was still broken when I got home from work today and my apartment was about 45 degrees. I was planning to make Indian-Inspired Butternut Squash from my newest Cooking Light Cookbook, but my hands were so cold I thought I might accidently cut them off while cutting a butternut squash. So I opted for left over Minestra soup from the other night and a baked potato. I use to make bake potatoes by putting them in the microwave for like 7-8 minutes. My mom showed me how to make them in the oven though and they are about a hundreds time better.
Take however many potatoes (I use baking potatoes/russets) that you want, preheat the oven to about 475 F, and then wash the potatoes. Next you want to prick some holes in the potatoes with a fork all around and place them directly on the oven rack, no cooking sheet needed. Then cook the potatoes for about an hour. Take them out of the oven with oven mitts on, unless your hands were freezing like mine (kidding). Then cut a slit in the top (going the long way) open the potato and mash it up. I eat mine with chives, a little light cheddar cheese, light sour cream, light butter, and salt and pepper. Mmmmm