My little sister and I made a cake out of diapers for M’s baby shower. My mom had the idea after seeing it at another baby shower. She bought us all the supplies and we made it the night before M’s shower after looking at pictures of diaper cakes on-line.
Supplies (aka cake ingredients):
– about 100 diapers (we used the brands and size M asked for her on registry so she can actually use the diapers when baby is born)
– wooden skewer
– curling ribbon, string or rubber bands
– pretty ribbon (like thick pink or blue ribbon)
– large tray or cake plate (we used a large catering plastic plate)
– tape
– scissors
– small baby gifts/supplies- like a bottle, pacifiers, teething toys, rattles, and whatever you would like to anchor on your cake
Start by rolling the diapers up, with the print to the inside (so you only see white) and tie with the curling ribbon. We found it easy to cut a bunch of curling ribbon to the right size in the beginning and then start rolling and tying the diapers up.
Keep tying the diapers until you can form about 12-15 together and to start the base. Tie curling ribbon around the 12-15 to hold them all together. Next, start building around the bundle you have made until you have a base that fits your plate (or to whatever size you prefer). Then, tie a larger curling ribbon around the outside to keep the whole base together.
Next, we started on the middle layer just like we did the first layer, except making it about a row smaller to create a layered look to your cake. When placing the second layer on the cake, we used a couple pieces of tape and then stuck a wooden skewer through the middle to hold it (we made sure not to pierce the diapers because we didn’t want to ruin them!)
Then, we made the top of the cake the same way, just smaller then the middle layer and we placed a bottle in the center filled with light blue M&Ms. You can use your own creativity here! We decided we wanted a smoother frosting look to our cake so we tied another layer of flat unrolled diapers around the outside and tied them there with the curling ribbon. Next, we put light blue and baby ribbon around the curling ribbon to cover it up and make it look like stripes on frosting. Finally, we tucked and tied the toys and other gifts around the cake. Feel free to look at my pictures to get ideas!