On Sunday, we took a stroll through our new town to check out some of the little shops, restaurants, and bakeries. Most of them were unfortunately closed since it was late Sunday afternoon, but I’m looking forward to visiting them during business hours. Peeking in the bakery windows, I suddenly became overcome with the need to make bread! I am not a huge baker (as seen in the 12 Cookies of Christmas posts, sister K is way more into baking than I am.) I did a quick google search on my phone and found this popular recipe called 5 Minute Artisan Bread Recipe. I decided to give it a try that night.
On Sunday, I made the actual dough and let it rise for a few hours. I kept it in a large plastic storage container in the fridge overnight. I cut off a grapefruit-sized portion on Monday evening, let it rise for about 40 minutes and then baked it for 30 minutes. (The “5 minute” part of this recipe’s title needs a huge asterisk next to it as it may only be about 5 minutes prep time, but the actual time is much, much longer!)
Check how it turned out- I’m an actual baker who can bake bread!
It was really good bread as well- very crusty on the outside, but chewy on the inside. In fact, I had it with a salad for dinner last night and toast for breakfast this morning!
The thing I really like about this recipe is that I still have enough to make 3 more loaves in my fridge and it keeps up to 14 days. The recipe says the flavor and texture even improves over time. I hope to keep making this bread as it certainly can save money over time. I don’t know the exact cost of 6 and 1/2 cups of flour and two yeast packets, but it is certainly cheaper than four $5 loaves of bread. I’m also looking forward to trying out some different variations of this bread with some mix-ins (rosemary & garlic, whole-wheat, sea-salt crust…)
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