I’m writing today’s post aboard the Amtrack Acela heading to NYC. K and I will be attending BlogHer ’12 this weekend, a huge blogging conference with over 4,000 attendees. There are some superstar speakers lined up for the conference including Martha Stewart, Katie Couric, and oh yeah, Barack Obama.
While I’m so thrilled to be attending, I do have some anxiety/sadness about leaving Baby T for the first time ever. As my train pulled out of the station, I watched through the window as he burst into tears in my husband’s arms. Crap- I knew I forgot to pack something…tissues! Anyway, I’m recovering and looking forward to some toddler-free time this weekend. I’m pretty sure he will be on the back of my mind for most of it however.
We can’t wait to report back on our adventure to BlogHer ’12!
Marvleen says