Even though I haven’t posted in awhile, I enjoy checking in once in awhile to see how many hits our blog get and what search terms people have used to stumble across our site. Sometimes the search terms can be pretty funny. Here are the top 10 from this past year that I had a good laugh at:
1. White Trash Party Ideas- What? We never had a white trash party? What are they insinuating?
2. Baby Bunk Bad- First of all, I think they meant “baby bunk bed.” Second of all, I think it would be a really bad idea to put a baby in a bunk bed, even if they were bad.
3. Found black cats in NJ- I think Animal Control would probably be a better place to check than our little ‘ole blog
4. Turning cupcakes in cash- We actually got multiple hits from this search term. I believe you need to bury the cupcakes in your backyard and grow a cupcake tree, which buds cash every spring.
5. Tree- You searched the word tree across the entire internet and came across our blog? How many pages of search results did you go through to get to us?
6. I am open window- It’s getting a little cold, so can you just close the window, you.
7. Desserts to make with sisters- So cute, but pretty sure you can make any dessert with your sisters.
8. Pics of blue arrangements for men- Don’t want to know..
9. Pot party favors- What kind of party are we throwing here?
10. Two sisters making out- This is a family blog! Who would search for that?? Stop it!
Happy searching!