My roommate and I wanted to make a new recipe last night with either beef of seafood. We found a recipe we were interested in in this month’s Cooking Light. The recipe was called Beef Tagine with Butternut Squash. I have heard the term Tagine before but wasn’t sure where it was from. After doing some research, we found out that it was a Moroccan dish. The couscous recipe that is shown with the recipe looked good but we wanted to use the quinoa we had so we made the Quinoa with Roasted Garlic, Tomatoes and Spinach (which I have previously posted about) to go on the side. The dish was delicious and we are so happy we tried something different. We were worried about being able to find beef shoulder roast in the grocery store, but my grocery store actually had it.
My favorite part of the recipe was that I got use my new dutch oven that I got for Christmas and most importantly eating it (for dinner and lunch)! MMMMmm make it! You will thank me later.
The ingredients
Browning the beef and onions
The beef is browned, and ready to add the garlic.
Adding the squash, after cooking for 5 minutes with the diced tomatoes and broth.
After simmering for 15 minutes the Tagine is ready to go!
Served with chopped Cilantro on top.