As the big day approaches, I have been starting to get ready for the baby’s arrival. I’ve had a few lists passed on to me of things that other moms have written up of items they found to be useful.
Design Mom – Preparing for Baby
Babble– Baby Registry Guide
Liz’s Baby Basics
- Maternity Jeans – spend some money on these – you will live in them over the weekend
- Maternity Pants – Gap made some really cute ones
- Maternity Tops/Sweaters – don’t even need to buy them – just buy larger sizes at inexpensive stores like H&M, Limited, Gap
- Nursing tank tops
- The absolute best are Gilligan & O”Malley (Target carries them). I swear by these. They look just like a regular tank(black, white, pink or gray) and you can wear them under a cardigan. I wore these every single day while on maternity leave. Much easier than a nursing bra. Never even bought a nursing bra.
- BellaBand
- This is a band that can extend the life of your pants. You can wear pants unbuttoned and put band over to create seamless line. Also great for when shirts/sweaters become too short b/c you just see the band which looks like a t-shirt underneath the shirt.
- Disposable Lansonihl nursing pads
- Lansonohl breast cream (purple tube for breasts)
- Email list – put together mass email list for baby’s arrival announcement
- Birth Announcements
- Print labels before baby is born and select announcement so ready to go (I didn’t send mine out until baby was 6 months – wish I had done sooner)
- – great selection of announcements
- Monogrammed thank you cards – If you are really organized and know the baby’s name, you can order personalized thank you cards in advance b/c you will need them as soon as baby is born. TinyPrints and PeekabooPumpkin have good selections.
- Breast Pump ( Medela Pump in Style – borrow one if you can b/c you may not take to it)
- Swaddles (Kiddopotamus Velcro or any brand) – we used for first 3 months
- Basic white tees (get the ones that have side snaps rather than ones that have to be pulled over head)
- Basic onesies
- Sleep Sacks or gowns – great for newborns b/c much easier to change diaper in middle of night
- Zipper Footy PJs – once a bit older, I recommend PJs with zipper b/c easier than buttoned pjs to change in middle of night
- Bibs (velcro on the side of neck is best b/c doesn’t chafe back of babies neck when being bed in cradle position)
- Cheap burp clothes
- I preferred the inexpensive ones b/c they were softer. The cuter ones with patterns were too stiff to wipe babies mouth, so never used them.
- Bottles (BornFree)
- Nipples (Level 1 to start….at 3 months go to level 2 and at 6 months go to level 3)
- Formula (Enfamil is good, so is Nestle Good Start or Similac)
- Powdered formula containers (3 of them snap together and you can premeasure formula so all you need to do is pour into bottle of water – great for middle of the night!)
- Pacifiers (try a few different brands to see what fits baby’s face)
- Diapers (Pamper’s Swaddlers)– Size: Newborn
- Wipes (Pamper’s Sensitive)
- Travel size wipes for diaper bag
- Thermometer (traditional is better – ear is not accurate read for babies)
- Grooming kit (just basic with curved scissors, hair brush, toothbrush)
- Changing pad (to put on table – all brands are the same)
- Changing pad cover
- PeeWee’s Disposable Multi-Use changing pads
- These are essential. If the baby goes to the bathroom while being changed, you don’t need to wash changing pad cover – just throw away disposable pads. I use these every day.
- Sassy Diaper Bags – blue scented bags to throw dirty diapers in
- We do not have a diaper genie and don’t even need one with these bags. We never smell anything once diaper is in these disposable bags.
- Dishwasher caddy (to put bottle parts in for washing)
- Mustela Shampoo, Lotion, Bath Gel
- Baby Tylenol/ Motrin
- Saline nose drops (for when stuffed up/has cold)
- Diaper ointment (A&D, Balmex, Mustela – any are fine)
- Small/ soft washclothes ( not full size b/c too big for newborns)
- Hooded towel for after bath
- Bambi Baby ( 877-882-2624)
- I bought my baby furniture here and they will beat ANY price you find. They beat Buy Buy Baby, Babies R Us, and other smaller local stores in price by a few hundred dollars. And their customer service is fantastic. You deal with the same person every time you call.
- Glider – Microfiber Upholstered Glider (color: Sage) $379
- We tried every chair and this one is SO comfortable! The sage color goes really well in a boy’s or girl’s room and the chair is very comfortable for a man or woman. Highly recommend. Carried at Babies R Us…and I think Buy Buy Baby
- Foot Stool – I found this to be very comfortable when feeding. I still use it.
- Co-Sleeper/Moses basket/bassinet
- I loved the co-sleeper – nice to have baby right next to bed for first month or so before you move them into crib
- Matress – any brand that meets regulations is fine (some people prefer Organic)
- Waterproof mattress pad covers (for under crib sheet)
- Mattress pad sheets
- Crib Set
- Hangers
- Clothes Hamper (I like Kids Line Folding Hamper)
- Trashcan (If you do not do Diaper Genie, which is not necessary, recommend just buying a SimpleHuman can that you can open with foot. If using blue diaper bags, won’t smell in room at all.)
- Baby Monitor (Fisher Price) – don’t need if live in an apartment
- Nightlight
- Stroller and car seat
o Graco Snap & Go is great – definitely the easiest for city living
o I’d recommend getting car seat for up to 30lbs so that you don’t need to trade up to larger size so quickly
- Rain cover for stroller (any brand is fine)
- Head positioner – put in stroller/car seat so head doesn’t bobble all around
- Bundle Me – will need lightweight and fleece one for winter
- Sun Shade for stroller – This is a must. Protect-A-Bub Single Canapy is good and works on any stroller.
- Stroller Caddy (recommend Joovy Cool Essentials on
- This fits across handle bars of jogger strollers and is the best. You can put your wallet, phone, blackberry, keys, etc in it. I wish I had bought this sooner b/c I hated having to put all this stuff in the carrying area below the baby.
- Toy bar that attaches to stroller bar (for jog type stollers)
- Kids love this – will play with it and kick at it as you walk
- Recommend anything like Sunshine Kids AG Twirly Whirly or Whoozit Activity Spiral
- Once you graduate from Snap & Go (which can be used up until 9-10 months depending on size of baby), recommend Phil & Ted’s if looking to do long walks or MacLaren for around town
- Britax Car Seat – highly recommend for when baby is 1 year old
- Bouncy Chair that vibrates (highly recommend Fisher Price Rainforest )
- Swing ( never used one, but people swear by the Fisher Price Papasan)
- Baby Bumbo chair (don’t need for first couple months)
o Great for before they can sit up on own b/c gives them different vantage point – also great to use when feeding little babies before they graduate to high chair)
o I got a different brand than Bumbo that I really liked – had a tray that attached with a toy that babies love
- Activity Saucer
- Highly recommend Evenflo 3-in-1 ExerSaucer Triple Fun
- This is for babies about 4 months up – they LOVE it
- Mobile for crib
o Highly recommend Tiny Love Symphony or Delux Symphony in Motion
- Boppy Pillow – for breastfeeding
- Activity mat with overhanging toys (Recommend Gymini 3D or Baby Einstein- all babies love that at some point during first 6 months)
- Pack and play and sheets for it (any Graco is fine – no need for most expensive….but it is nice to have the changing table)
- Baby Einstein DVDS
- These are priceless! Babies love these from 2 months on. You can buy entire boxset of 24 DVDs online for $95….or individually for $20/each
- Bathtub
- Any of the newborn ones are fine (I liked one that fit over kitchen sink)
- The BEST one to buy once baby outgrows first tub (around 4-5 months) is the Primo Eurobath – it’s the only one to buy!
- Leap Frog Learn & Groove Musical Table – this is for when they begin pulling themselves up on things…this is fantastic – hours and hours and hours of fun for baby
- Highchair (Peg Perego Highchair is the Mercedes of highchairs – it’s a must)
- Baby Bjorn – people swear by it, but we thought it was difficult to use
- Bottle Warmer – baby doesn’t know difference and if you always do room temp, they will be fine with it.
- Jumper for door way (I never used this – thought it was hard to put baby in/out)
- What to Expect in the First Year (great)
- Baby 411 (this is a MUST for every mom! Includes answers at a glance to every question you will have in the first year.)
- Baby Wise, The Baby Whisperer or other sleep book
Jill’s Baby Registry List
Bathtub and accessories:
- Fisher Price Aquarium Bath
- The First Years Multi-Use Bathing Cushion (for you to kneel over big bathtub)
- Ocean Wonders Corner Cubby Bath Toy chest by Fisher Price
- Baby wash cloths (any brand)
- Baby towels – you can use regular towel – you will definitely receive hooded towels as gifts
- You can’t put the baby in the little tub until the umbilical cord comes off – some people get a giant sponge to rest them when you sponge bath. Don’t bother, just make a cushion out of a bath towel.
Bottles, etc:
- I don’t know anything about breast feeding and related accessories
- I use Avent BPA free.
- Avent sterilizer – if you have the counter space, this is awesome. Also great for traveling because it makes it easy to clean bottles even in a hotel
- You need a drying rack – there are traditional ones but the Skip Hop is more attractive
- Bottle brush (with built in nipple brush)
Crib and bedroom:
- Crib, dresser with changing table attachment/changing pad, some sort of rocker
- Mobile
- Bumper, dust ruffle and 1 cute sheet
- 3 – 4 Ultimate crib sheets
- Breathable bumper (once the baby can move, you have to take out the bumper and this is a great compromise. You can skip the cuter plush bumper and go straight to this one if you want to be practical)
- 2 changing pad covers
- Baby monitor – video if it works in your apt/or some sort of digital. The video has too much static for our apt so we have two Avent (Phillips) – one for each of the kid’s rooms…
- Diaper pail and refill bags. We used a diaper pail for Ethan but now we just use these diaper bags (multi-use for pee diapers but take out immediately for poop bags)
- Clothes hamper or laundry bag (suggest mesh) – we have this hanging inside the closet door because no extra room for a hamper. Also suggest a small mesh lingerie bag for socks.
Stroller, car seat, play, travel, etc:
- Bugaboo Cameleon (NY city people – not great for burbs because it doesn’t fold, you have to take it apart)
- Bugaboo footmuff
- Bugaboo sun canopy
- 2 Bugaboo cup holders
- Graco SnugRide and car seat base
- Graco attachment for Bugaboo
- Graco pack n play and 2 sets of sheets. Also suggest getting a quilted sheet for extra cushion
- Peg Perego high chair (you won’t need this for 4 – 5 months, and can return to Buy Buy Baby until you need it, but worth registering for it)
- ERGO or BabyBjorn carrier
- Bouncer (you need immediately)
- Head rest – use in Bouncer and then later in Bugaboo when you convert from basinet to seat
- Exersaucer (you don’t need until around 5 months)
- Mirror – crib/play
- Activity mat
- Umbrella stroller – Mclaren Quest or Triumph
- 1-2 swaddle blankets – you will get more as gifts (Ethan hated being swaddled and broke out within 1 week but Sydney liked it) – I like the Aden guaze blankets – good for swaddling and for extra warmth, stroller, protection, etc.
- Diaper bag
- Pampers swadlers (
- Pampers sensitive wipes – get refills and one box of Huggies sensitive wipes (Huggies has a better box but Pampers makes better wipes) (
- Grooming kit
- Dreft ( and Shout gel (to clean stains)
- A&D (day time ointment), Balmex (night time ointment), Aquaphor (
- Alcohol and baby q-tips (to clean around umbilical cord)
- Cotton pads to clean for the first few weeks before you start using wipes
- Saline nasal spray (to use with nasal aspirator – they usually give you the nasal aspirator at the hospital)
- Thermometer
- Cloth diapers to use as burp clothes, and pee diapers (cover boys while you change them because they pee upward). You will get nice burp clothes as gifts but can register or buy some as well
- Musela products (register or get at
o Derma cleansing body and hair
o Body lotion
- Face moisturizer
Mom readers, what baby items did you find to be incredibly useful (or useless)?

Just have to add that I wish I had a pad of paper and a pen already set out an in a permanent spot in the living room for writing down who gave us what and if I had sent a thank you. I know that sounds so rudimentary, but those first few days were hella-hectic and I could never find a pen or the same paper I had been using to write that stuff down so it all ended up written in multiple places…what a mess!!
And you guys always thought I had too much stuff… I think the baby may beat me :)
-Soon to be Aunt K