I discovered Hungry Girl about six months ago while in the cookbook section of B&N. The author, Lisa Lillien, had two cookbooks, a website, and a daily email blast. Hungry girl’s main concept is to take commonly craved fatty and high calorie foods and make them in healthy low calorie ways. She also has tons of other light and yummy recipes. If you are like me and love food, then you have to try her cookbooks or sign up for her emails at www.hungry-girl.com. If you have ever got a random text, e-mail, or phone call from me declaring it was some national food day, I got it from the Hungry Girl email. My favorite is National Pancake day!
Last night for dinner I made the Crunchy Sassy Chinese Slaw from the Hungry Girl: 200 under 200 (there is also the same recipe with chicken called Scoopable Chinese Chicken Salad
Link for recipe:
http://www.hungry-girl.com/week/weeklydetails.php?isid=1490 for the Crunchy Sassy Chinese Slaw recipe, to make the Scoopable Chinese Chicken Salad add 12 oz of chopped lean chicken breast instead of the almonds.
Hungry Girl- Recipe and Survival Strategies
Hungry Girl- 200 under 200
Recipe Cards:
Hungry Girl- Chew the Right Thing
(sorry no pictures, I was far to hungry when I was done)