Did you know that you can make truffles with just about any type of cookie or brownie? It blew my mind when I discovered all the different type of truffles out there. My boyfriend was as shocked as me and then immediately made me make Samoa truffles.
These cookies would be perfect if you froze your Girl Scout Samoas for a rainy day. I don’t really know many people that can do that- we certainly can’t save Samoas around here. They are way too delicious and we love cookies far more than the “average Joe.” So instead, we bought Keebler’s Coconut Dreams which are practically the same thing. I am pretty sure they are the same thing- they just don’t have the nostalgia of Girl Scout Cookies. Anyways for the purpose of this recipe, they are perfect because we are going to pulverize them into dust (okay, more like crumbs but I was going for the dramatic statement here.) The crumbs are then mixed with cream cheese, rolled into balls, partially froze and then dipped in melted chocolate. You could end it there but then I topped them with toasted coconut and drizzled them with caramel. Oh yeah, that’s how we do it around here. Go big or go home!
Also as a side note, I keep truffles in the freezer and then bring them out before serving. That’s why my truffles have a little condensation on them!
- 1 box of Samoas or Keebler’s Coconut Dream
- 2 oz. cream cheese , at room temperature
- 8 oz. bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, melted
- ¼ cup sweetened coconut,
- 2-3 caramel pieces
- half and half or milk (caramel sauce)
- In the bowl of a food processor, grind the cookies into a crumb consistency. In a medium bowl mix together the crumbs and the cream cheese at room temperature. Stir them until they are combined into a dough like consistency.
- Roll the dough into balls. Mine was a little smaller than a ping pong ball. Place on a wax paper covered baking sheet and freeze for 30 minutes.
- While the balls are freezing, place shredded coconut in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Stir until lightly browned and toasted. Watch the coconut carefully because it will burn easily.
- Melt the chocolate in a medium-sized heat proof bowl in the microwave in 30 second intervals. Stirring in between until completely melted.
- Once the dough balls are in the freezer for 30 minutes dip them in the melted chocolate. Place on a waxed paper covered baking sheet and sprinkle with toasted coconut. Repeat for remaining dough balls.
- Place tray back in the freezer for chocolate to harden.
- Take a few pieces of caramel candy chews in a small bowl with a few drops of half and half or milk. Microwave in 5-10 second intervals to melt, stirring in-between. Watch the caramel carefully because it will start to burn very easy (I burned my first batch.) With a spoon drizzle the caramel in zig-zags on top of the toasted coconut that is stuck on the chocolate coating. Let cool an enjoy!
Source- Adapted from Cookies and Cups

[…] 9. Samoa Truffles from 2 Sisters 2 Cities […]