I wanted to follow-up on my Ikea Kitchen Tour post and show you how I used the Ikea Expedit bookshelves in our playroom. I originally wanted to build some type of built-in bookshelves in our playroom, but after finding a few ideas on Pinterest and other blogs, I realized the Ikea Expedit bookshelves would do the trick (and would be much more budget-friendly!)
I did a little measuring in the playroom and determined that three of the 2 shelves by 4 shelves Expedit bookshelf would be perfect for the space. I wanted to include some baskets in the space because so many of my son’s toys come with so many parts (train sets, blocks, Duplos, etc.) I loved how the PJÄS baskets fit perfectly in the Expedit shelves. I originally bought 4 of the baskets, but I bought 8 more when I went back last week because I liked how they looked so much.
Without any further ado, here’s our Ikea Expedit playroom reveal:
Also, here’s a close-up of the Kritter table and chair that we bought at Ikea a few months ago:
Have you used the Ikea Expedit bookshelves in your home?

Looks awesome Meaghan. I may steal this idea from you:-)
Thanks Sheri! You definitely should…it’s a great system to keep all those toys organized. Hope all is well!
This looks great! My husband and I are working on getting our upstairs space ready before our baby comes in August. This will involve putting some carpet down in our “playroom” area… And I love the carpet that you have here! Can you tell me, what type is it? If you don’t know the exact brand, that’s okay, but do you know if it is loop or twist? And whether the color is speckled or solid? Thank you!
Hi Jessica! Congrats on your pregnancy. Hope you are staying cool this summer!
This carpeting was put in by a previous owner so I’m unsure of the brand. It is a loop and it’s speckled. It is really easy to clean and I really like it as a playroom carpet.
Hope the playroom turns out great!
Ah thanks! Even if you had installed it, carpet details aren’t the sort of the thing I expect people (especially people with kids) to commit to memory. :) Thanks for the well wishes, and the info!!
I pinned this, btw, and it’s getting a fair amount of action. :)
Looks great! I want to do that in our finished attic. How are the Pjas baskets holding up? They seem like they’d flake off on everything, but do you still like them?
Hi Niki- The Pjas baskets are still holding up great- no problems at all. I haven’t really noticed them flaking off on anything. My kids tend to take out the bottoms sometimes when they dump all the toys out of a basket, but that’s an easy fix. Hope your attic project is going well!