Well hello everyone, long time no see. I am sorry it has been so long since I have posted, but I have been very busy with traveling to Las Vegas for a trade show for work. I got back early in the morning on Thursday and then went to work for the full day. It’s funny how such a short trip like that can affect your energy levels. I finally recovered after sleeping in late on Saturday morning.
Before leaving for Vegas on Monday, I did however throw a 60th birthday party for my boyfriend’s mom. She always goes out of her way to make holidays special for us so I wanted to do something really special for her to celebrate such a monumental year. During the week before, I planned for the party and made a list of all the things I wanted to do. My boyfriend had to bring me back to reality at some points with my ideas. What?? I really wanted a limo!!
On Thursday night I had a little energy after dinner, so I went ahead and made a half of a batch of cupcakes. I used the Magnolia cupcake recipe I use all the time. My boyfriends mom loves these cupcakes so I didn’t want to change it up too much. I had flower petal cupcake papers from Wilton’s which I got from my mom for Christmas. This was really where I came up with my theme for the party- since the wrappers were pink flowers, I wanted everything to be pink. My boyfriend’s Mom (lets just call her R) has lived the majority of her life with men, my boyfriend and his father/her husband. I thought a perfect way to ring in a 60th birthday would be a pink party since it is so feminine and pretty.
At Party City I bought:
–Pink Fluffy Pom Poms– I have seen these in Martha Stewarts Magazines and in her showrooms in NY
-Two tones of Pink streamers
-3 tones of pink balloons
– Pink napkins
–60th Birthday Plates– they had pink in them so I allowed them
– Pink birthday Tiara
–Pink Boa– this was just something I thought would be fun addition- nothing makes you feel like a princess or queen like a feather boa and tiara!
–Pink 60th Birthday Button– This button can be customized by age- I personalized it with a big pink 60!
– Wilton’s Clear Treat Bags
– Assortment of Pink Candy*
–60th Birthday Candles
At A.C. Moore I bought:
– An assortment of pink ribbons- in different shades and sizes. I found them all in the clearance bins for a dollar and the thinner ones were only 50 cents.
At the grocery store the day of the party, I bought:
-Assortment of Pink Candy*
– Assortment of 60 Pink Roses (I got about 30 regular roses and 20 small spray roses)
*Pink candy included- Pink Kit Kats (it’s Easter time so I was able to find these), Pink Reeses Peanut Butter Cup, Smarties, Pink Lollipops, Pink Starburst, Pink M&Ms, Pink Cotton Candy, Pink button candies, and Russell Stover Chocolate Marshmallow Eggs in a pink wrapper.
I placed all the candy into the candy bags and tied them with pink ribbons and created a tag with a personalized party message. I used a tag paper punch to cut these tags out and punched the hole with a heart shape paper punch.
I then made R her favorite dessert- Extreme 3-Layer Brownies and then frosted the Magnolia Cupcakes I had made on Thursday Night with a pink butter-cream frosting and pink sanding sugar.
Next I filled 2 vases filled with the assorted pink roses and tied thick pink ribbons around the neck of the vases.
Once I got to R’s house, I had her distracted in another room while my boyfriend and I decorated the dining room with the streamers, balloons, pink puffs, vases of roses, candy bags, and the plates of brownies and cupcakes. When she came into the room, we greeted her with the boa and tiara! She was so shocked and so happy about all the decorations. My gift I gave her even fit into the theme- a pink Swarovski crystal bead for her charm bracelet so she can remember her 60th Birthday Party!
Throwing parties can be easily put together with a theme and good planning. No matter the size of the party, people will notice all the details you put into everything. I love, love, love planning parties! :)
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Looks so fun! I am loving those pink pom poms…what a fun way to decorate!
All I can say is WOW!!! Pink yet sophisticated , nice job!
That is just so sweet! What a lovely thing to do for your boyfriend’s mom, and I love that surprise element. The Swarovski crystal is the icing on the (cup)cake, so to speak.