I took a look outside this morning and noticed the inevitable first sign of spring- my chives have returned! I by no means would say I have a green thumb, but my chives return to this container every spring. I planted these chives by seeds about five years and every spring they pop up in the same container. I would definitely recommend them for a novice gardener- they require virtually no care and are a very versatile ingredient that can be used in a number of dishes.
Here are some 15 recipe ideas for chives:
-Pretty much any type of egg dish- scrambled, sunny-side up, omelettes, quiche, etc.
–Baked Potatoes
–Broiled Tilapia with Mustard Chive Sauce
–Buttermilk Chive Biscuits
–Chive Goat Cheese Spread
–Corn and Zucchini Salad with Chives
–Corn, Buttermilk and Chive Popovers
–Fresh Chive Vinaigrette
–Homemade Ranch Dressing
–Lobster Nachos
–Mascarpone Chive Mashed Potatoes
–Sauteed Chicken Breasts with Creamy Chive Sauce
–Teriyaki Salmon– I’m planning on making this dish on Friday!
–White Bean Dip with Garlic and Chives
You can also throw the purple flowers into a simple green salad for an added burst of color (they are edible!) What are some of your favorite uses for chives?

My chives are EXPLODING – thanks for this well tiimed post :)