In year’s pasts, I have created a ton of resolutions to tackle (for an example, see here.) This year, I am trying to keep it nice and simple and focus on two goals:
1. Continue to settle in and organize our new house. I already started yesterday by organizing all our important household papers- gym schedules, trash/recycling guide, library events, stamps and address labels, coupons, manuals we refer to often, etc. I organized them into plastic sleeves and put them in an old binder from college (see you later internship binder!) Next on the list: put in shelf liners in all the kitchen and bathroom cabinets and drawers!
2. Improve and grow this blog! Stay tuned for some design overhauls, an index of all our recipes, and more posts in this upcoming year. If you have any suggestions as to how we can make the reader experience better, please share it with us by leaving a comment or emailing us at