Well, it’s now officially been well over a month since Baby T has been born so I figured it was about time I get to blogging about it! He is such a great baby (well, maybe not so great in the evenings, but we still love him very much!) I knew having a newborn would be hard work, but I never realized how much of a time encompassing life change it would be. Time just flies by. I can’t tell you how many times I have looked at the clock and am completely flabbergasted by what time it is (such as now…I’m still drinking my morning coffee at noon!)
My labor went relatively smoothly. I was in labor at home for over 24 hours starting on my due date before we headed to the hospital. Husband M took the day off work to go on walks around Castle Island and Thomas Park with me (it was a blustery cold day). I was still in labor that night, but the contractions were still 10-20 minutes apart so we held off on going to the hospital. Finally, around 5 or 6 a.m., I decided to get into the shower to start getting ready to head out. By the time we left at 7 am, the contractions were coming hard every 2-3 minutes. Once we got to the hospital, I was pretty much ready to push. I was still able to get an epidural at that point thankfully (sorry Husband M for dragging you to 2 weekends of Natural Childbirth classes…although I did get to that point naturally!) They gave me a 30 minute break to relax and then it was pushing time! Baby T came out in less than 15 minutes. It was such an amazing experience to finally meet the little being that was living inside of you for the past 9 months.
Now that we are somewhat getting into a routine (as much of a routine as you can get into with an infant), I am going to try to get back to blogging more often. On the agenda…very easy to cook dinners (my bon appetit and Julia Child cookbooks are getting pushed to the back of the bookshelf), baby stuff, holiday ideas, reviewing last year’s resolutions, and new resolutions for 2011. Thanks for sticking with us readers!

m…love the picture!!!
aunt n
Great post… he’s such a sweetheart <3
Congrats again! :) xx
So sweet and precious. What a little heartbreaker.
Love reading them… had so much fun last weekend!!