Photo courtesy of Kayak the Rockies via Creative Commons license
We apologize for the lack of posts lately, but Sister K and I have been spending the past few weeks getting ready for vacation, going on vacation, and recovering from vacation. We spent last week soaking up the sun in Nantucket.
Husband M & I rented a small cottage in Madaket and invited Sister K and the other Sister M to come visit us for part of the week. We had a great time of hitting up the beaches, going on walks, eating great meals, and napping! I tried to cook a lot of the meals at our cottage, but we did get a chance to try out or revisit a number of restaurants in downtown Nantucket:
–Brant Point Grill at The White Elephant
–Black Eyed Susan’s
–Slip 14
–Straight Wharf
I would have to say our best meals were at Black Eyed Susan’s and Straight Wharf. To get into Black Eyed Susan’s however, you need to wait in a line starting at 5 to put your name on the reservation list for a 7:30 or 9:15 seating. They also are BYOB, cash only, and do not have a/c. We joked with our fellow line-mates that we were going to open Sunflower Sally’s across the street where there is plenty of booze, takes all credit cards, and the a/c is pumping 24/7! Despite all the effort to get into the restaurant, it was well worth it!
Husband M had to briefly take a conference call and need Internet access for a few hours one day…he greatly appreciated the free wi-fi and cold beers at the Brant Point Grill bar area that day.
This weekend, I plan to spend some time catching up around the house (we’ve been traveling the past 3 weekends) and will be posting my special Nantucket birthday clam chowder recipe (especially for Aunt N!) Check back soon!